Today I’m helping out the South Shore Young professionals clothing event. We are helping out those who want clothes for job interviews to get back into the workforce.
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Thoughts on Faith, Family, Life, Technology and more
Today I’m helping out the South Shore Young professionals clothing event. We are helping out those who want clothes for job interviews to get back into the workforce.
Published via Pressgram
Mackey Productions is here at Saratoga Resort ( for a preproduction planning meeting for a commercial that we will be producing for them.
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He can’t quite pedal it, but he can push himself around and ring the bell. I think he likes it!
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I found this great Infographic over at Copyblogger and I thought I’d share it with all of you.
So. You think you’ve got yourself a good blog post.
You chose your writing style. You knocked out the first draft. You allowed it to sit for an hour or a day.
Now it’s time to edit that bad dog — ruthlessly. So that it has a fighting chance in the trenches. [Read the rest on Copyblogger…]
p>Like this infographic? Get content marketing advice that works from Copyblogger.
(or watch it here:
Twitter: @stuartcmackey