Today I’m helping out the South Shore Young professionals clothing event. We are helping out those who want clothes for job interviews to get back into the workforce.
Published via Pressgram
Thoughts on Faith, Family, Life, Technology and more
Today I’m helping out the South Shore Young professionals clothing event. We are helping out those who want clothes for job interviews to get back into the workforce.
Published via Pressgram
by Stuart
Yesterday, I was encouraged by my wife, Katie, to post something to Facebook each day that I am grateful for for a year. Since I also have been trying to get myself to blog more often, I thought I would do it as a blog post that would then share to my Facebook and other social media pages.
So, I thought I would start with the biggest one:
I am grateful for Jesus.
Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is the reason I am here – in more mays than one.
Over the course of this year, I am sure I will get into it in more detail, but the life I have now would not be my life if it weren’t for Jesus. I wouldn’t have the peace that I (most of the time) have. I wouldn’t have a purpose. I wouldn’t have the job I have have, and I wouldn’t be in Florida. I wouldn’t have the life I have.
I have been trying to decide between several different types of blog posts for a new writing and blogging project for myself. It was more about my passion, sharing my knowledge, and answering questions.
I then remembered another blogger who was a guest on MacPowerUsers podcast who calls her site “I Wear Many Hats.” Each “hat” is a category in the blog, and represents one of her passions. I think she has 7 or more “hats” featured.
So, this is my “many hats” blog, but I have decided (mostly because I already owned the domain) to not give it a funny name, but to just call it Stuart C. Mackey’s blog (??).
In this first post, I wanted to lay out the categories that I will be writing in the future, for you the readers, and to solidify it in my own mind.
For those of you who find you enjoy a particular subset of this blog, rest assured I will be publishing it in a way that it can be followed or subscribed to by category.
Here are the categories:
First and foremost, I am a Christian. That doesn’t mean this will be the most common category, but I needed to be honest and share this important fact. In this category will be my reflections on passages of scriptures, as well as thought on Christian topics.
This will be the category that includes my personal experiences and time with family. It will likely contain a lot of pictures and videos. It may also contain some parenting teachable moments, as I learn along the way.
I love to read and love to learn. I thought of making “Books” a category, but I decided that the core of why I read is to learn. I also read fiction for fun, but that will be another category. In this category I will share lessons I am learning from books I read, podcasts I listen to and watch, etc.
While this could fall under Learner, I think it will be such an important topic that I wanted to separate it out. I resisted being a leader for a long time, but was kind of forced into it by my work and job. Most of the work I do simply can not be done by one person – it requires a team. And I have found that I am not that terrible at leading teams and individuals. This will be a combination of thoughts on what I have learned from other leaders through books, blogs, podcasts, etc.; as well as my own thoughts on what it means to be a leader.
I wasn’t sure what to call this category. I was trying to be consistent in my category naming conventions. This will be the tech support category. It will contain all the answers to the real world question I get in my personal and professional life on “How do I blank with such-and-such-technology?”
I am sure that it is possible that I will come up with additional categories, but I will try to keep it simple, for myself as well as for the reader.
Thank you for reading. Be sure to share your thoughts below in the comment section.